

The Pseudonym : Focus on the Jappa Syndrome Among Nigerians

I have noticed a trend going on in Nigeria as a result of the economic hardship. What is this trend?’The Jappa syndrome.” People want to travel to the Western world at all cost as an escape route to seek greener pastures, not minding the consequences.

The ‘ in thing’ now is that some families sell all that God have graced them to acquire over the years to undertake this venture.While some finally succeed, others may not be fortunate enough so they fall in to the hands of scammers who take advantage of their vulnerability to swindle all from them. The tragic aspect of this venture is not even falling into the hands of scammers, though it is not a palatable experience .It is the experience of those who undermine humanity by risking their lives through the Mediterranean sea and deserts just to escape the shores of Africa,not counting the dangers involved.

I go through agony each time any documentary is shown on how Africans travel through this harsh routes. Many lose their lives while their counterparts still dare to press on towards their destinations

Fortunately, a lot of families that I know have undertaken this journey successfully. In my neighbourhood alone, there are many families that I can point to that this venture has wholly favoured. I remember one family who over the years had invested heavily in real estate, and when this Jappa syndrome came on board, they simply sold a piece of their land and planned for their travel without any stress.

I have a couple of other neighbours whose such is also their story. Such stories I consider as profound. However, such is not the case of everyone. I mean, not everyone is fortunate enough to see their story end in praise.

I heard about the terrible story of a family man who desired to Jappa also because he wanted to secure a better life for his family. Unknown to him, his turned out a miserable story ; like an epistle for others to read through and retrace their steps.

Lost in the Glitch

However, what I count as foolishness is this act of undue sacrifice. I mean to part with the only valuable a household has or to sell all with the intention of saying goodbye forever or for a while.

Back to the story of the family man whose story did not end well. The man sold his only house that he acquired when fortunes shone on him without informing his wife.
You know how some men take lone decisions because they feel that they are the head of their homes, not minding how their wives will feel about it, being the neck. Some men feel their wives should submit on all occasions.Therefore, whatever the decision is, the head is the head and has been bestowed every authority and even the mandate to pilot the home.

Do you think that this trait of men taking costly decisions without informing their wives is peculiar to Nigerian men?

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Anyway, the decision went wrong. He was scammed. He was actually given a visa…It was in the process to go confirm the visa in the embassy that he discovered that he has been scammed. Alas!

In some cases, this decision to Jappa has led to the divorce of many couples, unaware. The man initially may go alone with good intentions to go make it and then plan for his family to join him, but along the line, weaknesses and the inadequacies of mankind takeover and rob the family of all their loving memories. Then the man falls into the hand of another woman or the woman gets ensnared along the line.

It does not always end in praise for everyone or every family. This is why extra caution has to be applied so that whenever it happens, yours will not end on a sad note.

The Unique Challenges And the Windows of Opportunities in Nigeria

I just want to offer my candid advice to people who are in this category. Though Nigeria is going through an economic hurdle at the moment, there are also windows of opportunities available to us here that we can leverage on to navigate these challenges. This advice may not sound encouraging to many out there who may have finally made up their minds.

The truth remains that people are still making it big time in this nation that we are in . I strongly advise that it will not be a wise decision to trade all that one was fortunate to acquire over the years, only to start life from the scratch abroad.

Rather, it will be better to wait a little longer, explore all available positive possibilities, and make it here.Then you can then travel out on a better note so that this madness of going to abroad to work as workaholics wich may be detrimental to one’s health or doing any job whatsoever that is offered to one will not be one’s portion.

Abroad, many even hustle under very harsh weather conditions and natural hazards to make sure that they recuperate all that they have sacrificed.

People are trapped in poverty because they are not exposed to the proper information about wealth creation.

PWAN Group : The Wheel That You Can Leverage on to Navigate Your Jappa Dreams

In case you are confused about what to do, real estate is selling fast, and it is also fast appreciating.

Dr. Augustine Ozioma Onwumere, a real estate mogul and the Chairman PWAN Group (Property World African Network), often says that if you are not directly or indirectly engaged in real estate business, at a certain age, you are actually short-changing yourself.

God has raised Dr. and Dr. Mrs. Onwumere , Co-founder PWAN Group and made them a formidable force in the real estate world.

*If you are interested to know more about how you can buy or trade/sell real estate, drop your comment, follow, like and share our page to your family and friends to help promote our services.

You can also call us directly on 0916 644 4289…07011884110

Jappa Made Easy Through PWAN Business

The real information is that this amazing couple established a system known as PBO (PWAN Business Owner) that can empower you to experience financial freedom through real estate business. Through the manifold wisdom of God, they have revolutionalised the real estate world. So, regardless of your academic, economic or social status, you can avail yourself to know how you can gain valuable knowledge about this phenomenal business by attending any of PWAN valuable seminars and training sessions in any of the training centres across the nation.

*One can also win a sponsored ticket to travel abroad ,all expenses paid, if one works hard to distinguish oneself in the business.

I speak about this awesome couple because they have maintained and managed this licensed and reputable real estate firm for 12 years now , still strong and counting.They have over these years groomed and mentored other real estate gurus and entrepreneurs …These are their affiliate companies.Yet, they are still growing day by day in the business because God has planted them firmly in the industry to empower people in a time such as ours.

*PWAN is the first real estate network marketing company in the whole world.It is one of the best real estate companies thriving in Nigeria.

A songwriter once composed a song: “Follow who know road…follow who know God oooo, e get why”. This couple knows the road to your financial empowerment because God has revealed the secrets to them and they are passionate about it. All you need to do is to raise your hand from the pit of poverty where you are sunk, and God will certainly rescue you if you faint not.

Perhaps you are comfortable ,you have a good job, but you desire to take up another job so that you will be able to position yourself and your family members to earn additional income, you can also do well to research and know how PWAN can add value to your life so that you can experience financial freedom.

*Comment to signify interest or call the numbers above to be furnished with more information.

So whether you want to sell, invest or trade/buy real estate, you have a trusted firm in PWAN. They can guide you on how you can establish yourself strongly while you can plan your Jappa moves with the confidence that you do not have anything to lose whichever way it comes because you have been properly grounded.

My family and I had desired to undertake the Jappa moves also. However, our perspectives were reshaped after our encounter with the Chairman of PWAN Group in one of his amazing seminars. Now that we know better, we do not want to be trapped into any risky venture, because we are well informed and guided.

We have been groomed in PWAN business and we are thriving in it. So, we want to structure our economy in such a way that when we get the opportunity, it will be a ‘win’ ‘win ‘ venture for us and by then, we will not be pressured into doing all manner of jobs because we want to recuperate all that we invested in to the jappa agenda , as the manner of many.

It will be wise for anyone longing to Jappa to make solid arrangements so that one can do it on the note of strength.

Therefore , make your findings and learn more about PWAN Group,if you want to be groomed to become a financial hero before you can undertake certain risky ventures.

Finally, if you are interested to know more about how you can buy or trade/sell real estate or if you consider this article a rich resource, drop your comment, follow, like and share our page to your family and friends to help promote our services.

You can also call us directly on 0916 644 4289… 07011884110

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Dickson Chinma Ihejirika(Mrs),
Founding Editor, TGCN.

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