

We are arriving to the scene with a clarion call on good citizens of Nigeria to pick up the mantle of patriotism and register to vote and be voted for in the forthcoming general election in 2023. The political actors are on top of their games again clamouring for attention. Now is the time to help tone down the tension surrounding our electioneering process as today’s overwhelming realities in Nigeria are before us to chew over.

It is no longer news that many Nigerians’ lives have been thrown upside down as a result of the level of insecurity and incessant chaos that has engulfed the nation. Tension in the country has reached an all-time height with hundreds of Nigerians being kidnapped for ransom with massive killings by bloodthirsty youths and agitators for ethnic nationalism.

So far, the Nigerian government has just been paying lip service to diversify the economy with all attention still on our oil wealth to the total neglect of agriculture and with all our refineries left dying while we import refined petroleum from nations to which we ought to export our crude oil. Have we tried to ask ourselves this question? Why should we, a nation that is so blessed with abundance of mineral resources wallow in hopelessness when other countries that are not enriched with the depth of wealth God deposited in Nigeria as a nation be so developed that they are categorised as “developed nations”; “first world countries” and so forth while Nigeria is classified among others as “third world nation” or “underdeveloped country” even among African states?

It is evident that many of the Nigerian roads are so deplorable that they have been labeled “death traps”. We wake up almost every morning to hear news of bandits’ attacks in one part of the country or the other. Nigerians in the Diaspora have lost the nostalgia for their home country. They no longer find pride in the nation they call their own considering the level of horror that is perpetuated daily in it. What an anomaly! Shall we continue to fold our arms and watch our leaders drown this nation in perdition? Should not this burden be on all our shoulders?

 We have to take up this cross to see that the transition to a more purposeful Federal Government will help bring back Nigeria’s dead economy to life and promote our GDP to boost the small-scale industries, provide alternative energy sources, stabilize our education system, create employment for our teeming youths, boost Internally Generated Revenues (IGR) of our federal, state and local governments to enhance export promotion efforts, work in collaboration with Nigerians in the Diaspora and foreign investors to bring in direct foreign investment, etc., comes into power.

Hence, the clarion calls to the great citizens of our beloved nation Nigeria to rise to our duty. It is a decision time. It is our collective patriotic duty to this nation to put an end to all these menaces. Do not be a spectator in this decision-making time. Lend your voice. Your voter’s card is your power to dismantle “the forces that be” within the political class. Go now and register. Get your voter’s card ready. It is your power. It is your two-edged sword wherein you can use to fight for a better Nigeria. Registration is ongoing in different wards.

Therefore, arm yourself. Position yourself positively for the 2023 election to be able to enforce the required change in our beloved nation, Nigeria. Do not give in to economic pressure or threats. Consider your future and the future of your children. Take the best decision now by going out to register. And when you register, do not sell your conscience. Do not sell your vote afterward.

Women Arise! How long shall we sit back and be relegated to the background? Times have changed. Therefore let us rise. Arise, housewives, market women, grass root women, city women, Women in different fields, Women in Diaspora …Let us unite. Together we can change the narrative. Let us put to death this ideology that women do not have any say in nation-building. We are the change-makers.

Lobby and sensitize other women to come out en masse and register to be able to obtain their voter cards. Let us call out to our children, the great youths of this nation to come out in their numbers, register, and be ready to cast their votes in good conscience.

Nigerian men, you are known for nobility and strength. Unite and fight your common enemy. Arise and secure the future of your posterity by taking the right step now. Our voters’ cards are our arsenal. We should mobilise this powerful arsenal and rise to fight as warriors to defend our democracy and actualise “our Nigerian dream”…

Should we fail to do so, we are short-changing our destiny. Let us take this right decision now to salvage the future of our children and the posterity of this great nation. May we beckon to this clarion call and put this storm to rest.

Elder Miracle Chigozie Ozim      


Dickson Chinma Ihejirika

Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

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