

A good number of analysts have openly attributed the high rate of drug addiction, abuse and criminality among the Nigerian youths to the economic hardship prevalent in the land. Realistically, there is a given consensus that these issues are anchored on the country’s economic uncertainties.

Many Nigerian youths are dealing with harsh economic pressure which eventually throws them into strong disillusionment. This is because it is very difficult for them to navigate the conflicts unguided in a nation where there is no conceivable pathway crafted to inspire them for great exploits. As a result, they are left alone to wallow in deep sense of frustration, anger, rage,terror etc;leading to a chaotic life. Therefore, the economic instability remains fundamentally, the source of all these menaces among the Nigerian youths.

This ought not be so if the system is well organised. Nigeria is a wealthy country but the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few rich. To the extent that jobs in Nigeria are most often given to people who are duly connected extensively. The resultant effect is the breakdown we see in our systems today; The whole nation crunching in the wilderness of great dispair because people who are qualified for positions are denied employment while better opportunities are given to a few incompetent high profile rich who are highly connected.

As a developing nation, we are affected directly or indirectly from these deadly activities.Tearfully, these have contributed to the dominant social crises we experience in our society today. Truth be told,many of our teeming youths are not gainfully employed. Given this background, the poor are constantly engaged in the struggle to make progress. Unfortunately,many tend to tilt toward the wrong direction as a result of hopelessness.

It should be noted that many Nigerian youths are graced with exceptional talents but lack of opportunity to express their talents often lead them into a confused life because they have lost hope in the system. The fortunate few showcase their loss of confidence in the system by seeking greener pastures abroad where they are exposed to better opportunities.This is an area of great concern for Nigerians. Thus,our government is expected to create an enabling environment for our youths to thrive in order to avert deepening insecurity in our land.

There are crises at different distinct areas and levels in Nigeria. Our government has to learn to build human capacity in this regards. The truth is that our leaders should build Nigerians, in terms of human capacity, to the point where people, especially our youths, will regain their sense of citizenship even from the local government so as to restore the confidence of the masses in the system. Until this is done, nothing will practically work, we stand to be corrected though.

Going forward, our task is to plead with the government, the global community and well meaning Nigerians to work together to change the narrative. Everyone should unite, synergize, possibly to connect our teeming youths to optimal opportunities that will help redirect their energy towards building a better future for themselves. If need be, scale up structures to align and speed up their level of education and skill acquisition in order to position them properly to transformational career paths.

This can help build their confidence and trust in the nation and empower them to be better equipped to reduce their rate of doing drugs and criminality as a result of frustration.

Dickson Chinma Ihejirika (Mrs),
Founding Editor, TGCN.
Inspiration drawn from authentic sources.

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