
The Untold Shocking Secret About Five Alive Juice 

The Untold Shocking Secret About Five Alive Juice

I always like to tell my story because I know that it will be a source of encouragement to many out there.


Not to be critical of it, my family possesses a strong saving knowledge and a mind blowing secret about “Five Alive Juice” which though may shock you as you read through but will serve as a healing balm to those that will connect through faith in God to enjoy the best of life…



So, I enjoin you to patiently read through to the end to capture the whole story and then the essence of this writeup.

My late father loved his family, I would say, but the pressure of life did not allow him earlier to be the kind of father he had wanted to be.

So, he was always on the Move with his briefcase on as a journalist.With all his skills and knowledge, he never had a settled life until he embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Irony

The irony of this fact is that the more he went in pursuit of a great career and life,the more it’s farther away from him…


Ravaged by Countless Number of Attacks 

On the 18th of October 1988, precisely on the day of my 10th birthday, I was struck by a terrible illness which caused me to slip in to coma for eight good days lying down helplessly in the hospital.

My late mother was eight months fully into her pregnancy at that time. It was her circumstance that drew the attention of doctors and kind neighbours to rally round her and provided both spiritual and financial support /succour that worked out what plunged us in to the miraculous.

Doctors later diagnosed celebral malaria which was an epidemic that ravaged children within my age bracket at that time.Many children died and God showed me mercy and brought me back to life after a great spiritual tussle. My father was not available to provide the needed fatherly support for his family at that time.

So, it was that he was on an assignment.


Not only did I survive this attack, God also granted me grace to overcome the rigorous

complications that accompanied the healing process. It was so bad that I had to relearn like a growing baby, the intricacies of life’s processes. At that age, I learned again how to walk,sit,talk…God is awesome.


My whole system was shutdown but God in His infinite mercy and unending wisdom completely rebuilt my body system again in a stronger mode.It was like a rekick; starting off a collapsed engine after it has been rewired…


The point is that: On many occasions, my father usually was away, even when my mother gave birth to almost all her children.



Also, when my younger sister and brother died, my father was on an assignment. I saw my late mother bore alone the burden, the weight and the pain of the loss of her children.Seven children reduced to five within few years.Though overwhelmed by storms, my late mother remained strong and nursed her children in hope. It would have been worse if not for the saving grace of God.


My Father’s Weapon of Victory 


In the face of all these challenges, God gave my late father strategies that later worked together to make up for all his loss.What were the strategies?


*Have you ever been in a struggling state before, where your returns could not measure up for your input, and so, people considered you a failure?


How did you overcome the challenge(s)?


*Kindly share with us in our comment section, your life experiences and how you overcame so that people can learn from your experiences and be encouraged.


So,God helped my father as I said and Marshalled out certain strategies for him to overcome, to the extent that he died and was celebrated a hero.


The Power to Overcome 


First, God made him to realise that he cannot make it on his own because all his life, he battled with many afflictions. Many oppositions and wars that became a source of distraction to his life, family and career.


When he saw that it was impossible for him to make a sustainable future for himself let alone his family, it became evident for him that he needed divine assistance to be able to overcome his many challenges. So, he gave his life to Jesus Christ and became committed to the things of God.



Secondly, he began to confess and prophesy the word of God upon his life but most especially, upon the lives of his children.



The Shocking Story About Five Alive That Relates to my Family 


I remember vividly as his first child,first daughter, and his only surviving daughter, after the death of my younger siblings and several spiritual attacks on us , that my youngest brother celebrated his birthday. My father came, first with the word of God in his mouth, though he brought with him gifts among which was a pack of “Five Alive”.It was considered as one of the exclusive reserved juice for the rich homes at that time. Yet, my father sacrificed to buy it because it was symbolic for him, though it was not his focus.



Armour Against the Weapon of the Enemy 


With the word of God in his mouth, he brought the Five Alive after we had partaken of other gifts. We made a great toast and Holy Communion with the drink and he prophesied that as we all drank from that Five Alive Juice, we overcame the sting of premature death in the mighty name of Jesus Christ-amen.


He further decreed that he will not bury any from his five children. He prayed and prophesied in the name of Jesus Christ and he rose and called us “Five Alive”. He believed God that it shall be so and though we were young ,we declared our mustard seed faith in solidarity to his.That was it. The word of God lives and abides forever.


By the special grace of God, it has been over thirty years since the incident, his “Five” children are still “Alive” fufilling God’s purpose. God honoured his faith in Him.


To the glory of God, all five were present on his burial day. All have been married, waxing strong regardless of the oppositions and attacks that beset us. We conquered premature death because of a father who stood as a watchman.


When he was alife, my late father will call every of his children on the first day of every month and poured out on us God’s blessings and prophesies with the choicest words garnished with grace. Same with our birthdays.


As if he knew that it was time to say goodbye. A day to his death, he demanded specifically that I should call him, which I did.He poured out his unending blessings on me which unknown to me was a way to kiss goodbye to his only beloved daughter. I cried my heart out when it happened. However, as days turned into years, I could lay hold of those awesome memories and thank God.


With my eyes I could see God break unbelievable dangerous shackles and I thank God for the set man that stood in the place of authority to declare God’s awesome mandate upon his family.


In all, he lived, conquered his territory and died as a hero because he understood that the race is not to the swift as the word of God proclaims but of the Lord that shows great mercy to His people.


In summary, from the day my late father blessed the Five Alive Juice and his family partook of the Holy Communion to this day, God’s Immeasurable grace has been upon his five children as he decreed in the name of the Most High God, ‘Five still Alive’, to the glory of God.


Jesus cares.Surrender to Him today and see Him takeover your battles.



Moral Lesson: Fathers always ought to take their place of authority(priesthood) that God has set them to declare God’s words/mandate over their territory to wage a good warefare over their families.


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Dickson Chinma Ihejirika(Mrs.),

Founding Editor, TGCN.







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